The Fiscal Policy Commission performs the tasks of an independent public body in the Republic of Croatia as foreseen by European economic governance rules. Article 22 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (Official Gazette 111/2018) and Article 21 of the Budget Act (Official Gazette 144/2021) lay down the competences and tasks of the Fiscal Policy Commission that relate to analyses, forecasts and evaluations of macroeconomic and fiscal trends, and, more widely, to:

  • confirming the macroeconomic projections underlying the convergence program and the draft budgetary plan
  • the evaluation of macroeconomic and budgetary projections in accordance with the provisions of the laws and by-laws regulating fiscal responsibility
  • examining and assessing the risks of applying fiscal rules in mid-term budgetary documents and the annual report on budget execution
  • examining and evaluating macroeconomic and budgetary projections indicated in mid-term budgetary documents and comparing them with the most recent available projections of the European Commission
  • monitoring the fulfilment of the recommendations of the Council of the European Union for the purpose of resolving the situation of an excessive budgetary deficit and public debt
  • producing an opinion to the Government on the temporary postponement of the application of fiscal rules in case of extraordinary circumstances.