The members of the Commission are:


Commision Chairperson

Tel: +385 (0) 52 377 049

Sandra Krtalić is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković" at Jurja Dobrila University in Pula. At the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, she obtained her master's degree in 1997, and her doctorate in 2001. Her orientation and area of scientific and professional interest are public finance, public sector economics, local public finance and international aspects of taxation. In the scope of scientific research, she is the author or co-author of over 100 scientific papers, the author of numerous reviews of articles, books, and scientific and professional projects. She actively participated in numerous confereces in the country and abroad and was involved as a manager or researcher in several domestic and international projects. As part of broader social activities, she is a member of the Economic Council of the Diocese of Poreč-Pula. In 2006, she was named Economist of the Year for her special merits in the scientific and research work in which she disseminates and promotes the results of research in the public sector domain. In 2019, she was a member of the Working Group of the President of the Republic of Croatia for the development of guidelines for further fiscal decentralization and regional development of the Republic of Croatia.

For further information:


Deputy Chairperson
representative of the Croatian National Bank


Maroje Lang has been employed at the Croatian National Bank since 1997. Before being appointed as the Chief Advisor in the Research Area, he was the Director of the Econometric Modelling Department and the Head of the Monetary Analysis Division. From 2012 to 2015, he was the Assistant Minister of Finance in charge of the Directorate for Macroeconomic Analysis, Economy, Financial System, European Union and International Financial Relations. He was a member of the Economic and Financial Committee of the EU, coordinator of the European Semester in Croatia, member of the Financial Stability Council and the Council for Internal Financial Control in the Public Sector, and the National Authorising Officer (NAO) for the EU Funds. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Fiscal Policy Commission. He was also an external associate and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, and Zagreb School of Economics and Management. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, studied and resided at LSE, Harvard and MIT, and has participated at numerous seminars organized by the IMF and central banks. His research interests are macroeconomics and economic policy.


Member of the Commision
representative of the State Audit Office
2019. – 2024.

Vesna Kasum is an Assistant Auditor General for the audit of the state budget and budgetary users. Area of her professional interest is public sector audit, budget and budgetary processes, and budgetary accounting. She is certified state auditor. In 2005, she completed postgraduate studies in the field of Audit at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. Ms. Kasum participated in several international professional congresses and conferences. She has published several professional articles in the field of Audit and presented at several professional and scientific meetings. She is the co-author of the book State Audit and several professional manuals and guidelines. She participated in the implementation of several international projects and is a member of the Exam Commission for obtaining the title of certified state auditor. She was a member of the Fiscal Policy Board from 2011 to 2013.


Member of the Commission
representative of the State Audit Office

Igor Karlović is a certified state auditor and Head of Department for the Audit of budgetary users of the State Budget in the field of Defense, Internal and External Affairs, Justice and Administration, in the State Audit Office. His area of professional interest is public sector audit, state budget and budget processes, and budget accounting. At the Faculty of Economics in Split, he completed undergraduate and graduate studies in Business Economics, in the field of Accounting and Audit. He participated and presented at several international professional meetings. He participated in the implementation of several international projects, audits of annual reports on the implementation of the state budget, and audits of budgetary users of the state budget. He is a representative of the State Audit Office in several international audit expert groups.


Member of the Commision
representative of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
2019. – 2024.

Maruška Vizek is a research fellow and deputy director for finances at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. She has been working at the Institute since 2002. From 2016 to 2020 she was appointed as the director of the Institute. Her scientific work is focused on international economics and finances, applied macroeconomics, fiscal policy, tourism economics, energy economics and housing economics. She has published over 60 papers, out of which 40 in Web of Science indexed journals, some of which published in high profile international journals such as Energy Economics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics and Economic Systems. In 2006 she was the recipient of Marijan Hanžeković annual award for the best academic paper. She has been the recipient and the lead investigator of several competitive research grants, and she has also led and participated on implementation of numerous applicative research projects commissioned by various governmental bodies, nonprofit organizations and business community. Currently she is the member of the Council for Energy Transition of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Council for Reconstruction of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council for Spatial Development of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets of the Republic of Croatia. From 2020 she has been performing the role of an editor of Croatian Economic Survey journal.


Member of the Commision
Representative of the Institute of Public Finance
2019. – 2024.

Tel: +385 (0)1 4886-444 (ured)

Vjekoslav Bratić is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Finance Zagreb and Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb. He graduated at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, and took his doctorates at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Split. He has been working  at the Institute of Public Finance Zagreb since 2000. and since 2019 he has been the director of the Institute. He has published numerous scientific articles in domestic and international scientific and professional journals. His areas of interest relate to the economics of the public sector, the budget and the budget process, local finances, the relationship between the representative and executive authorities in the budget process at local and state level and tax expenditures. As an author and/or leader, he participated in numerous domestic and international professional and scientific research projects. He also participated or still participates in the work of various professional and scientific commissions, working groups, councils, administrative and rehabilitation councils and committees for various institutions, as well as editorial and organizational boards of domestic and international scientific and professional journals and conferences. He is an external associate of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the University of Zagreb, and is the editor-in-chief of the professional journal “Porezni vjesnik”. He has been a representative of the Institute for Public Finance in the Fiscal Policy Commission since 2011, when the Commission was called the Committee for Fiscal Policy.

For further information:

Associate prof. DOMAGOJ KARAČIĆ, PhD

Member of the Commision
Faculty of Economics, University of Osijek, from among the representatives of faculties of economics
2019. – 2024.

Domagoj Karačić is employed at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek at the Department of Finance and Accounting. From 2000 to 2005, he worked in several companies in the private sector (trade, auditin and entrepreneurship). Since 2006, he has been employed at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek as an assistant at the Department of Finance and Accounting in the courses ¨Public finance¨, ¨Local finance¨, ¨Public Debt Management¨ and ¨Comparative Tax Systems¨. Since 2017, he has been an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The area of scientific and professional interest are public finance, taxes and tax system and local public finance. He published 38 scientific papers, participated in several domestic and international conferences and published 3 teaching materials for students. He is a member of Executive Board of the Association of Accountants and Financial workers-Osijek. He has been a member of the Committee for Financial Bussines and Budgeting of J.J.Strossmayer in Osijek since 2017.


Member of the Commision
Faculty of Law, University of Split
from among the representatives of faculties of law

Zoran Šinković is an assistant professor and head of the Chair of Financial Law and Financial Science at the Faculty of Law of the University of Split. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Split. After that, he established a working relationship at the Commercial Court in Split as a trainee judge. He has passed the bar exam. Master's degree and a doctorate in financial and legal sciences (financial law) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb. The area of his scientific and professional interest in international tax law, tax-substantive law, tax-procedural law, financing of local and regional self-government units, financing of public health, and financing of religious communities. In the scope of scientific research, he is the author or co-author of many scientific papers; and a reviewer of scientific and expert articles. He actively participated in numerous scientific meetings in the country and abroad. As part of wider social activities, he held lectures on Tax Law in the Republic of Croatia at seminars for preparing and taking the exam for a tax advisor. He was a co-author in the creation of the book Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames - National Genealogy Center in Zagreb in 2008. He is an external associate of the University Department of Health Studies at the University of Split, where he participates in the delivery of part of the classes on the subject of Health Insurance Systems.